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Mounted Communications Course - November 2023


Updated: Jan 9

During the month of November 2023, select members of The King’s Own Calgary Regiment’s A Squadron2 Troop participated and completed the Mounted Communications Course. Over several Wednesdayevenings, one stand-alone Saturday, and one full weekend, course candidates were introduced to theAN/PRC 522 Radio and the basics of radio procedure.

Supported by experienced instructors, candidates began with learning the installation process of theradio in LUVW at HMCS Tecumseh. The process of installing and removing the radio was learnedprimarily through hands-on repetition. Candidates also learned how to program the radio once installed.As application of this skill is depended upon by superiors, accuracy and attention to detail are necessaryelements of the process. After some practice, candidates could install, program, perform a radio check,and remove the radio with confidence. The knowledge confirmation consisted of a practical testwherein the candidate performed a full installation and removal of the radio.

The second half of the course focused on radio procedure which, for many candidates, was a newconcept. Some candidates were familiar with radio procedure, using it frequently in their civilian jobs,though they found significant differences in format and language. This portion of the course took placeat Mewata Armoury. Lessons included examples of practical application of radio procedure andemphasized the importance of developing the skill to convey information in a succinct manner.

Candidates learned and practiced numerous report formats and procedure words. The knowledgeconfirmation was verbal participation as an assigned role in a radio procedure exercise.The course was successful in training candidates on the course content, in addition to developingcamaraderie within the troop.

✍️ Pte Wahl

Picture from Ex Grizzly Defender 2022

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