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EX KING’S RIFLE II - September 22-24, 2023


Updated: Jan 9

On 22-24 September 2023, The King’s Own Calgary Regiment conducted exercise King’s Rifle II tofulfill Individual Battle Task Standard (IBTS) training. The exercise had two main objectives; to qualifytroops on their Personal Weapons Training Level 3 (PWT 3) with the C7A2 assault rifle and to complete Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) protective training. The qualification of soldiers through IBTSis essential to maintaining a professional standard amongst the armed forces, minimizing skill fade, andensuring soldiers are in a high state of readiness for any missions that may arise.

Unlike conventional stationery shooting at a fixed distance, PWT 3 is a comprehensive demonstration ofweapons handling, marksman principles, and movement and fire. The qualification commences with arundown from 400m and firing from the prone position. As soldiers progressively move forward todifferent points of fire, they also adopt different improvised firing positions and practice shooting in 5second exposures. The shoot culminates with a walkdown towards the target from the 25m mark andfiring fully automatic bursts.  

PWT 3 stands apart from PWT 1 and 2 by offering a much more realistic simulation of combat situationsand helping soldiers build confidence in their ability to manage a firefight. Luckily for the troops, the nextday they were able to further develop their combat skills and weapons handling when the regimentconducted live fire team shoots. Soldiers ran in pairs, ducking behind barricades, and providing mutualcover fire while leapfrogging positions down the range.  

While some troops honed their weapons skills, others were preparing to enter the gas hut forCBRN training. The process is meticulous. First, troops don a thick and scruffy protective uniform, colloquially called the "bunny suit". Then, they put on rubber gloves and boots, gas mask, and load up ondecontamination packets that share the same consistency as a stick of butter. Inside the gas hut, pellets ofCS gas are released to simulate a realistic training environment. The troops must complete a series ofrounds in the gas hut; each one is meant to test a different skill set necessary to surviving in a CBRNenvironment, as well as to instill confidence in the soldier’s protective equipment.  

The final round is always the most memorable. For this round, soldiers enter the gas hut without thecomfort of their gas mask and must react to the debilitating effects of the gas. Almost everyone sheds afew tears. The experience is always unpleasant, but it serves the critical function of ensuring troops canreact to a CBRN threat and still effectively perform their drills. For the troops, this meansthe best way to truly simulate a CBRN threat is for them to feel and react to the shock and incapacitationa CBRN attack can produce. At least once the final round is over, soldiers can peel off their bunny suits,wash the butter-like decontaminant off their skin, and let the fresh air ease the acrid burn of the CS gas.

✍️ Cpl Bergeron

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